Friday, January 28, 2011

Love Is Still a Worthy Cause

I was listening to a song today called, “Does anybody Hear Her”.
Allow me to quote the chorus and bridge for you respectively. (Please see the link on my FB page for the full lyrics and video.)

Does anybody hear her? Can anybody see?
Or does anybody even know she's going down today
Under the shadow of our steeple
With all the lost and lonely people
Searching for the hope that's tucked away in you and me
Does anybody hear her? Can anybody see?”

If judgment looms under every steeple
If lofty glances from lofty people
Can't see past her scarlet letter
And we've never even met her”

Ok... so if there is hope living in you and me... yes I mean you christian... why is the world so hopeless?
Why do we think that standing up for what we believe means looking down our noses at people that we perceive as sinners? Have we forgotten that 'while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us?'
We forget that the reason for Christ doing this is that it was a demonstration of how much He loves us.
But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” Romans 5:8

Somehow... we seem to have forgotten love.
We focus so much on what we think is righteousness that we forget that Love was a greater, motivation on the part of God. Even in His righteousness and our depravity... He loved us so much... more than enough to cause Him to step down from the lofty place that He actually is in to love us.
Shouldn't we then step down from the high places that we think we are in and love others?

How do we love others? Good question.
I reckon that there is no easy answer to that one.

For a start, I think, chose not to judge people. Judge their actions sure. At some point no matter how liberal we are, we need to make decisions about right and wrong. However, because a person's actions offend me... should that person offend me? (Ok child molestation and rape is another category altogether but even then.)
When we learn to separate people from their actions maybe then we will be able to take the steps towards them to help them heal, change, grow.

Another way is to chose not to make assumptions about people. We are all guilty of this one... I do it all the time.
We decide that because of how they are dressed, where they are from, their speech, their B.O, their teeth, their car, the school that they attended or what their parents do for a living, that we know who they are. Shall we make efforts to get to know people for who they really are, so that we may love them?
Shall we choose to love people even with their... peculiarities.
Shall we decide not to attach scarlet letters (see the 'bridge' of the song and note at the end) to people in our minds?
Shall we decide to hold to our beliefs and morals in and with love?

The “Scarlet letter” is an 1850 romantic work of fiction in a historical setting, written by Nathaniel Hawthorne.
In the book a young woman, named Hester Prynne falls pregnant while her husband is out of the country and refuses to reveal the identity of the baby’s father. For her, crime, she is forced to wear a scarlet coloured cloth in the shape of the letter ‘A’.

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