Friday, January 28, 2011


'Why is it, those we love the most, are the ones capable of hurting us the most? Our greatest wounds rarely come from strangers. They probably come from an ex-fiance, a former friend, a roommate, a sister, a business partner.
Even in healthy relationships an offhanded comment or rolling of the eyes can cripple us for days or years or even a life time This is because the more we open ourselves up the more vulnerable we are. The most exposed we are the more it hurts. The more we let someone in the greater the risk. Surprise, anger, shock, betrayal helplessness, it call gets mixed in together. How does a person find their way out?'   taken from Sex God by Rob Bell

We live in a society that seems to try its best to avoid pain. Have you notice?
Painkillers are probably the most readily available and most advertised pharmaceuticals, (except for for cold and flu medicines which may contain some kind of pain killer)
We accept that pain can induce strength, (no pain no gain) but for some reason it is only acceptable if we can control it.
We don't mind the pain of working out and of giving our all in a sport, because there is some greater glory available.
e.g. How many times was that video of Kerry Strug in the 1996 Olympic games played during that year. Strug, chose to take her final vault with a seriously strained ankle... she stuck the landing... got her points, won the gold for herself and her team... and then collapsed on the floor in pain.

We laud those able to withstand large amounts of physical pain.

However, emotional pain... that we run from.
We would rather pretend that we are fine, than to work out an issue with a friend. We would rather walk away from that friendship than work through the incidences and troubles. In fact, don't we often write off that person as being impossible because they can't read our minds and understand what we are OBVIOUSLY (not) hinting at?

Why do some spouses opt for separation and divorce rather than working things out. Granted some people are deliberately difficult... but wouldn't biting the bullet when it is quite a small offense and dealing with it then be better?

Are we really such cowards? I tend to be I think... I dislike pain... live with too much of it daily... I would rather avoid the unnecessary kind... but...

I think, sometimes... we need to embrace it in order to have deeper and greater satisfaction in life... 

N.B  This was originally posted as a note on Facebook

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