Tuesday, May 25, 2010

We went to Capetown not knowing what to expect. Everything seemed to be up in air… God was good as usual.
The Friday night before the tour began we were able to meet with the youth leadership and lead the youth meeting from that church.
The youth leaders of the church surprised me when they said that they were looking forward to the training because they felt like they had a lot to learn. This is a big church with lots of good programmes etc in place and the youth leaders were expecting to learn from us. It humbled me immensely… because God uses anyone… including the less qualified to do His work.

During the youth meeting we focused on a few of the countries coming to the world cup. This meeting ended with a persecution exercise. The most amazing thing about the persecution exercise took place at the end of the exercise. (We arrested about 12 of the youth and made them kneel facing the wall in different little prayer groups until their friends released them by praying for the country in question). We were getting feedback from the young people about the exercise and I asked a young man of about 12 years of age, if he enjoyed being on his knees all that time. I expected him to say that he did not because he was uncomfortable. His response was, “Yes, I love praying!” I nearly fell over. The response of the youth to pray for their friends was also astonishing.
The catering, which was like a monkey on my back, worked out surprisingly well. A man that none of us had met before decided to help us by donating 7 whole chickens and some loaves of bread. That was a blessing that helped us stay well below our food budget for the event.
The youth never complained about the kind of food… I think only one person wanted more food. The entire group of young people was very positive and attentive even when they were feeling very tired.
Another huge blessing was seeing how well the younger members of the events team did during the entire time; in their teaching, in their interactions with the youth, in the lessons that they learnt.
The team of 8 people who went to Capetown returned to Pretoria transformed, and even more convinced about the greatness of God.
Two years before this I had spent Christmas in Capetown and was astonished and upset by the number of youth on "Tik'(methamphetamine)... and the number of hopeless people around. This trip was so encouraging.
God is doing something in Capetown!

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