Sunday, May 9, 2010

It has been a while since I have written anything here... prolly because I have been quite busy... not because of a lack of things to write.
I spend most of my days preparing for this upcoming world cup outreach... It has been quite a wild ride. I have learnt so much as well.
What has been a blessing is seeing things happening for God's kingdom here.
I have been to Capetown twice in the last few months for different reasons and was so encouraged to see how people are stepping up and taking a stand for their city. Two Christmases ago I was heartbroken to see all the young people hooked on Tik (pronounced took), and to hear of abandoned babies and young lives going to waste. It has been encouraging to see that there are ministries dedicated to getting kids off drugs, to getting youth out of gangs and helping young women to stop selling their bodies on the streets. I have a friend who has been so blessed as he works with others to help these young women. We were able to attend a church service of one of these ministries and it was a blessing to see someone bring their muslim friend/relative forward for prayer... the man prayed to accept Jesus and asked Jesus to heal his body (he was in a wheelchair). Healing is a controversal topic for most people... but what a blessing to see the saving power of Christ at work.
God bless South africa!

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