Monday, January 21, 2013

True verses REAL

Last night a groupd of us watched a movie from 2007, called Trade.
I encourage many people to watch it though it may not be suitable for children.
There is so much happening in this world that we kinda know happens, but we don't have to pay attention to it so we don't.
Most of the time we will only pay attention to things that directly affect us.
Gary Haugen, the founder and director of International Justice Mission, says even though we know that these things are TRUE, because they are not as REAL to us as the things and people in our lives, we are not truly moved by them.
When something becomes truly REAL to us, do we ignore the pain and disgust or annoyance that they cause us, or do we "breathe it in" (as W. Wilberforce says in Amazing Grace) so that we are moved to action?

I don't know exactly what action I (one person) should take in ending this great shame on humanity, but I do know that I must do something. This horror may not be reality for me, but it is reality for over 27 million people. That is more than 27 million people who cannot enjoy the spiritual and physical freedom that I enjoy. To THIS, I cannot turn a blind eye.
Can you?

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