Thursday, October 21, 2010

En Månad i Sverige

I know that this is a bit late in coming together and means that things on the blog will be a little bit backwards... but let us take a look at the month of September which I spent in Sweden.

September 3rd Arrived in Sweden
September 4th Råslätt's dagen (a community day of sorts in Råslätt. Met quite a few people who live there and work with OM and or the church)
Sept 6th Welcomed to the office. Met the office staff.
Sept 8th Attend Spåk Cafe (speech cafe) Hosted by the Red Cross to help non swedes speak swedish with each other.
Sept 10th Attended the Living Room (hehehe) which is the youth meeting of the church that OM works with. The youth meet in the OM apartment where I happened to be staying.
Sept 11th Church's birthday celebration. The members made cakes and gave them away to the people in the community.
Sept 11th to 12th Visited a church in a place called Rimforsa. We led a youth meeting on the Saturday and a church meeting on Sunday morning. The word for 'church' in swedish is Kyrka. The church that we visited is called 'Brokyrkan' which means 'The Bridge Church'.
Sept 11th Dinner and birthday party with some of the other singles.
Sept 13th Attended the Spåk Cafe
Sept 15th Attended a house group (cell group) at the home of a lebanese family.
Sept 16th to 18th Travelled to Stockholm with Isak, David and Magdalena for a meeting about an upcoming activity with Luis i Öster (Light for the People) and Folk och Spåk (People and Speech, the name of Wycliffe Bible Translators in Sweden).
Sept 18th Attended 'The Underground'. This is a youth centre run by the city during the week. Omers and members of the church run it on Saturday nights.
Sept 19th Mushroom hunting :); Church at Råslätts församlingsgemenskap Kyrkan (The Parish Community Church of Råslätt). This is the church that most of the Omers in Råslätt attend. Many in the congregation are former OM ers including the pastor; Dinner with some of the singles plus a student from the university.
Sept 20th Josephine Tan from 'Touch Nature'in Nepal visits and gives us an update on what is happening there.
Sept 21st. Leena arrives to check out the ministry in Råslätt. We share the apartment.
Sept 22nd Visited a house group. One family and a bunch of young people attend this one.
Sept 24th Attended the Living Room Youth Group.
Sept 25th Attended a meeting for the 'Vision Team' going to the Logos Hope in October. Gave a 5 minute presentation on adapting to a different culture based on personal experience.
Sept 26th Church; dinner at Field Leader's house with Leena (from OM Ireland) and Sharaz (from OM Pakistan).
Sept 28th Attended the Världens Chans (A world of opportunity). A missions expo at various bible schools. Done in cooperation with Luis i Öster and Folk och Spåk. I attended on this day only at one Bible School.
Sept 29th Spent the day cleaning and doing Laundry and saying good bye to people.
Sept 30th Last minute goodbyes and departed Sweden.

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