Monday, September 13, 2010


August 19th I arrived in Finland for the start of two weeks of R+R (rest + relaxation).
It was such a good time of catching up on sleep... of reading; spending time with God and pouring out my heart to Him; of reconnecting with old friends; of meeting new people and connecting with them; of rethinking vision and processing many things; of late night discussions; of long walks in nature.

I stayed in the city of Tampere (Tammerfores for the Swedes) with a friend. We were able to visit her family’s summer house a couple of times. I was able to have the traditional finnish sauna and lake experience.
A friend invited us to visit her church which is an international church in a place called Espoo near Helsinki.

We were also able to go to a free concert by an international (but started in Finland) Christian orchestra called ‘Halo’.

What was especially cool during this time in Finland was the pure JOY that God filled my heart with during this time. It was overflowing. He has been teaching me so much about PEACE and LOVE and JOY in the last few months. The kind of PEACE, LOVE and JOY that stays with you even in terrible situations. The kind of PEACE, LOVE and JOY that only comes from being in a relationship with Him that is living and active.
While in Finland I found myself smiling for NO REAL REASON. Just smiling! I thank you God for this fresh air that you have breathed on and into me. Help me to share it with others!
Yes... I did visit the OM Finland office and spent some time with a few people there. It was good to reconnect with them and see what is happening in another OM Field.

When many people think of Finland, they think of a cold, dark country with a funny language... but there is more to Finland than that... such beauty... such history.
The church in general isn’t the most alive, but I was encouraged to meet followers of Jesus who were desperate for His Kingdom and Glory to come to their city, their friends and family, to this world. These people were so desperate that they were looking for ways to get involved themselves. What a blessing to meet them!

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