Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Rimforsas Brokyrkan (The Bridge Church of Rimforsa)

So this weekend myself, Martin, Isak, David, Abel and Anton drove two hours to a place called Rimforsa. We arrive Saturday afternoon and left on Sunday afternoon.

On Saturday evening we led a programme for the church's youth. It took the form of a TV programme with Martin as the host. The rest of us were guest that Martin interviewed about the various topics that were highlighted that night.

The programme was bases on, The Call, Friendship with Jesus and Sending out.
Each one of us had various experiences that we could draw on to compliment each topic. Abel also did a Rap song that he composed himself. Abel and Anton are both teenagers in the Råslätt youth group. Then we had a short break for FIKA (a swedish traditional breaktime filled with goodies to eat). After the FIKA there was a time of prayer and worship. The evening went quite well and the youth responded positively to it. I didn't understand that much as most of it was in swedish but it was still cool. When Martin interviewed me, Isak acted as my translator. We also did a short skit, that I was able to participate in... it was a short part and I was able to speak English.

We stayed with a local family... they took all six of us in... and spoiled us that night and the next morning.

At church the next morning the people were very welcoming. The service went well. This time Martin interviewed me from the front with Isak translating again. Isak and David also spoke about various things that OM is doing. Martin gave the message. The lady that we stayed with chose to sit next to me to translate a little for me even though she is not that confident with English. It is amazing how many people here speak good english but are shy to speak it.

For me another cool things was meeting a young swedish lady who grew in Thailand where her parents were missionaries. She attended an international school so she was relieved to hear english spoken again.
God really is doing something in Sweden!

1 comment:

  1. Lets see if it works! Hey Findland looks beautiful! Enjoy Sweden! Claudia
