Saturday, April 23, 2011

Dear Friends,
One day someone told me that I should ask God what He wants me to do in the time that I am still here in Barbados.
Sometimes figuring out what God wants can be interesting because it doesn't look anything like what we think it should.
I have not worked in the traditional sense, which is a bit upsetting in a way. It feels like if I have been here this long maybe I should do the normal thing and get a regular job for a while. However, though it would make me feel more productive as a person, I am not sure this is what should happen. Why? Well this time of decreased responsibility has been difficult to accept in some ways but I believe that it has been important as well. 
This has been a good time of healing both physically and emotionally as well as a good time of rest.
(If you would like to hear more about this time of healing, and the reasons for rest drop me a _____).
They say that music heals the savage beast. Well I am not sure about savage beast, but I do enjoy music, so I have invested some time in becoming a more proficient musician. This has been slow going for various reasons but has been a source of great joy.
I have enjoyed being involved with the worship team at the living room which I have been able to play twice with at church recently. I also enjoy visiting a band which practices on Friday nights when I can.
I also had the opportunity to spend a little time at YWAM's King's Kids camp during the Easter Holidays. I was asked to help with the worship 2 early mornings and one evening. I think it did me more good than it did the kids. It was awesome seeing God moving in the lives of the kids and leaders as well... not to mention much fun.

At this point I only need $100USD more a month to be given persmission to leave for Sweden. God has shown His goodness in many ways, including providing possible accomodation until September, and lowering the required support amount. I will still need to raise a bit more than this $100USD in order to deal with a few needs here in Barbados I.e life insurance etc.
Thank you all for your support in prayers, finances and care. 
It has been a blessing to have so many people who want to get involved in what ever way they can, whether it be praying, or giving large amounts or giving smaller amounts (ie $20 BBD a month). Every contribution, great or small is appreciated.
At this point, I need to arrive in Sweden before Mid May, in order to be welcomed by the office. If I do not arrive then, I will have to wait until September.
I have already asked some people this question, so please bare with me.
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Thank you all again for your support through the years and months.

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