Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Something is wrong with me... I am almost convinced of that.
The truth is everything that I am feeling is normal. It is however rather difficult processing as I walk through this.
I feel a lot like a nomad or a gypsy. No fixed place of abode... just a series of stops of varying length.
I could quote all sorts of biblical things which may imply that I should find my grounding in God. However the reality is, even though my foundation is in Him, I am still human.
Aren't we all human? How many times do we convince ourselves that we can be more than human because we call ourselves Christian?
Nonesense I say! Live! Be real! Find people who understand and accept us with our faults and short comings.
At the end of the day... God is still on the throne, Jesus is still risen and I am still His! (even with all my weirdness).
Thank God for Jesus!
When all is said and done, I am His and He is mine... and nothing is going to change that!
luv you JC!

1 comment:

  1. Everybody is weird ... it just depends the perspective! So praise the Lord he made us unique and so special ;-)
    and God lookds with love and pride on you!
    I love you
