Saturday, December 29, 2012

Christmas day 2012 has passed by so quickly and 2013 is almost upon us.
So much has happened in this last year and so much more will happen in the coming year as far as I can see.
Sweden is so beautiful when there is snow on the ground, that you find yourself wishing that it would be cold. It isn't so nice when the temperature is just above 0 C but so nice when it is around 5 C and the trees are covered with snow.

I was able to go skiing for the first time a few days ago which was fantastic! However on my second day of skiing, although it went well for the most part, it ended with my twisting my ankle which is NEVER a good idea.

Snow, Julbord, sliding down hills in the snow and falling in the snow, time with friends and time with God. That is how I spent my Christmas!